Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Bài 11


You need a lot of different kinds of food to stay healthy. In other words, you need a balanced diet.
You need to eat enough food to be the right weight for your height. If you eat more than you need , the extra food will be stored as fat. If you don't eat enough food, your body can not grow or repair itself properly and you may become ill. It's not healthy to be too fat or too thin. If you are overweight, you need to eat less of some food and do more exercises. When you exercise, you body burns up some of the stored fat for energy.

Some people cannot eat certain types of food because the food makes them ill. This is called having a food allergy. Food such as milk, eggs, bananas, oranges and peanuts can make some people sick. Some people cannot eat food that contains wheat or wheat flour, such as cereals, bread, cakes or biscuits.
In short, It's very important to choose what food to eat. Eating healthy food can keep your body healthy.
different /'difrənt/ (adj): khác nhau
healthy /'helθi/ (adj): khỏe mạnh
diet /'daiət/ (n): chế độ ăn uống
enough /i'nʌf/: đủ
if: nếu
overweight /'ouvəweit/ (n): béo phì
energy /'enədʤi/ (n): năng lượng
allergy /'ælədʤi/ (n): dị ứng
wheat /wheat/ (n): lúa mì
important /im'pɔ:tənt/(adj): quan trọng
contain /kən'tein/ (v): bao hàm, chứa
burn /bə:n/(v): đốt cháy

Nguồn: Internet

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